Item Id | Brand | Model | Description | DP | CP |
AA1001 | Com1 | IPPBX Software | This is the basic software on which all solutions are built. This is mandatory before you select any of the following solutions. (Built in 100 SIP Extension) | 20000 | 50000 |
AA1002 | Com1 | IPPBX Software (Exp 100) | This is expansion licence for IPPBX Software(AA1001) to expand by 100 extensions to a maximum of 600 extensions (Max 5 Licence per system) | 2500 | 5000 |
AA1003 | Com1 | IPPBX Software (Ent) | This is the basic software on which all solutions are built. This is mandatory before you select any of the following solutions. (Built in 1000 SIP Extension) | 40000 | 100000 |
AA1004 | Com1 | IPPBX Software (Exp 1000) | This is expansion licence for IPPBX Software (Ent)(AA1003) to expand by 1000 extensions to a maximum of 8000 extensions (Max 7 Licence per system) | 5000 | 10000 |
AA1005 | Com1 | Call Centre Suite | This Licence is for Outbound Call Centre Solution. In case customer looking for Predective, Progressive or preview dialling using more agents. | 15000 | 30000 |
AA1006 | Com1 | ACD | This Licence is for Inbound Call Centre Solution. This is needed only if customer is going to employ dedicated agents to receive incoming calls. | 15000 | 30000 |
AA1007 | Com1 | Survey | This Licence is to Voice blasting of individual files or data merge and do customised voice announcements, imported from excel or updated using an API | 15000 | 30000 |
AA1008 | Com1 | Developer Options | This Licence will activate paid API capabilities that will give Ringing, Attended and Hangup events for Incoming and Outgoing Calls using Webhooks. Also has various API funcationality that could be useful for various telephony CRM integration | 15000 | 30000 |
AA1009 | Com1 | Tally Integration | This Licence will import Outstanding list from Tally and enable agents to follow up outstanding or if Survey is activated automated data merge messages can be initiated. | 15000 | 30000 |
AA1010 | Com1 | IpPbx Intercom Software | This is the basic software Built in 1000 SIP Extension with no solution or expansion, There will be no trunk option | 20000 | 50000 |
AA1011 | Com1 | IpPbx Software With Hardware | This is the basic software with hardware. Expandable upto 600 By Adding AA1002, but cannot actiovate any other solution | 25000 | 40000 |